Friday, April 26, 2024

Colinette Scarf

For this project on my Schact Flip rigid heddle loom, I followed the directions of someone who posted photos of a lovely scarf using Colinette for the warp, something I wouldn't have considered since it isn't a plied yarn. What made it work was that (following the poster's lead) I warped the Colinette yarn every other slot with a white sock yarn in between, then transferred the Colinette to slots only (where it would suffer less wear and tear) and moved the white sock yarn to the holes. I used black sock yarn for the weft, beating lightly. I used all but a a few feet of the Colinette yarn in an 8 inch weaving width and 6' length. The resulting scarf is just over 5' long and just under 7" wide. I decided to tie off and cut the white warp threads because I liked the look of the Colinette-only fringe better. 

I like the result a lot but don't love it - maybe it will grow on me. 

I used my yarn swift and ball winder for the first time while good dog Maple supervised.